But first, we're so pleased to announce that Vortex has won the GreatDad Recommends and the Mr. Dad Seal of Approval for Spring 2012!
From their website:
Vortex Color Changing Toothpaste (Wright Toothpaste)
The run-up to stories and lights-out is not always the most enjoyable time of the day. A toothpaste might be a strange thing to see in this list, but when a toothpaste actually makes brushing fun, we're totally on board. And we say that anything that takes the friction out of the daily chores of making the bed, taking the dog out, and brushing the teeth means more good, fun family time.
Thanks GreatDad and Mr.Dad!
And now onto the newest blog reviews...
Live, Laugh, Love is written by Tara, a New Jersey mom of a five-year-old. After reviewing Vortex, she wrote:
My son, who will be 5 March 27th, loved this toothpaste because it changes color and I have gotten him to actually brush his teeth longer now because he has to wait for the color to change. My son thinks the toothpaste tastes really good, too.
Thanks, Tara!
Sarah, a New Zealand mum of two, is a contributing writer to Colour Me There, which showcases all things bright and colorful, with an emphasis on small, family-run businesses and "quirky/fun/colorful products"--a perfect match for Vortex!
Sarah writes:
As the kids brush, the colours mix and change into purple before their eyes, genius.My daughter thinks it’s great and has been much more interested in the whole task. She’s quite excited that she has her own magic toothpaste with a cool octopus on it… an octopus… go figure!Thanks to Sarah and everyone over at Colour Me There!

The whole, less foamy thing means the consistency is different and took my son by surprise but he really liked not ending up with a mouthful of foam. This made rinsing easier and as an added side benefit, seems to leave less mess in the sink for me to clean up.Thanks, Andy!
I really like the idea that somebody is thinking about ways to get gets to enjoy brushing without just making it bubble gum flavored. I won’t say my son enjoys brushing now but it seems to be less of a battle. I think it’s well worth a try.
And thanks to everyone for their feedback--we really appreciate it!
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