Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deliver-by-Christmas cutoff date, and another mom blog review!

It's absolutely crazy how quickly the year 2011 flew by. I can't believe it's already the middle of December!

Mommy blogger OpenHands  emailed us yesterday saying that she posted a review of Vortex on her blog. The review is absolutely glowing! She's also doing a Vortex Toothpaste giveaway, so if you've wanted to give Vortex a whirl, this could be your chance!

From her post:

As soon as I opened the package he wanted to try it out, so we put a little bit on his toothbrush  and he immediately loved the colors, when you squeeze the paste onto your brush one strip is red and one is blue.... then he started brushing and he brushed for almost a minute! Which is AMAZING because I am not kidding you when I say he normally lasts for 15 seconds before he is wanting to spit.  So... finally when he did spit, he was excited to see that the toothpaste was now purple! :)

 That first day he brushed his teeth 4 times! I had to finally say "NO! You can not brush your teeth anymore." lol What a great problem to have. 
 Thanks, OpenHands31!

Oh! Also, a quick word about Christmas delivery. While Amazon may cut off our Vortex Christmas sales early, know that if you order directly from our personal store (, the delivery-by-Christmas cutoff date is December 19th! Vortex makes an awesome stocking stuffer...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

We sold out of our first batch of Vortex! Now onto bigger and better batches...

Things have really been hopping over at Wright Toothpaste. We sold out of our initial run of toothpaste, which was both terribly exciting and just plain terrible, as there were a few folks whose toothpaste shipments were delayed. Thankfully, the nice folks in Muskegon, Michigan (where the toothpaste is made) quickly whipped us up another, BIGGER batch, and now we have plenty of toothpaste for all!

Positive testimonials have also been pouring in, including this one from a mom in West Virginia, who wrote:

"Dr Wright, 
  I just wanted to let you know that we received our toothpaste yesterday and my oldest is loving it! I actually have had to tell him "no you can not brush your teeth again" lol. Thanks so much for sending it our way."

It's tricky when you work for almost twelve years on a product. You stay up past midnight working on prototypes and drawings, all the while thinking, "Am I crazy thinking this will actually work? Am I just wasting my time?"

Well, whew! It takes such a load off of our minds to know that Vortex is really getting kids excited about brushing their teeth.

Now it's just a matter of getting the word out, so a special thanks to the Sunset Hills-Crestwood Patch, who recently interviewed Vortex inventor Dr. Wright. The article can be found here: Retired Dentist Invents Color Changing Toothpaste.

In the article, Dr. Wright dropped a couple of hints about his long-term dreams for Vortex Toothpaste:
"There are plans for other toothpaste colors in the future—the two obvious ones being yellow and blue to make green. Wright wants to call them Popsicle Orange and Wild Apple. He also wants to have an adult version with whiteners and breath fresheners.

Vortex currently retails for $6.95 and is manufactured in a plant located in Muskegon, MI. Wright hopes to mass produce the toothpaste, which will lower the cost.

'I wake up with dreams of big manufacturers. I’ve sold more toothpaste than I ever dreamed,' Wright said. 'Ten years is a long time to spend fighting for your product. But if you truly believe in your invention, the fight is exhilarating.' "

Exciting! Thanks, Sunset Hills-Crestwood Patch!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Give a Listen to the KMOX Health and Fitness Show from Sunday, Featuring Vortex Inventor Dr. Howard Wright!

KMOX News Radio 1120 has been broadcasting in St. Louis for over eighty-five years, and is THE preeminent news radio station in the St. Louis area. Vortex inventor Dr. Howard Wright was therefore thrilled when he was asked to appear on the KMOX Health and Fitness Show with Monica Adams yesterday.

Click HERE to give it a listen!

The entire show is just over half an hour, and is really informative--but if you're interested in skipping ahead to the bit about Vortex Toothpaste, it can be found right around the twelve minute mark.

From the KMOX Website:
This month is Diabetes Awareness Month and Carla Beckerle discusses the St. Louis Diabetes Technology Expo coming up on November 19th. For more information visit Monica also chats with Dr. Howard Wright about a new toothpaste that is getting kids to take care of their teeth. Finally Chef Baggett from Edgewild Restaurant and Winery, opening later this month in Chesterfield, stops by with a few samples for Monica to taste.

Thanks KMOX!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New TV Spot! This Time on Show Me St. Louis!

More exciting news! Vortex Toothpaste inventor Dr. Wright was on KSDK's Show Me St. Louis last Friday, and they just posted the clip online! Right HERE!

(Sorry, embedding the clip didn't work for some reason. But you can find it on the website here.)

Thanks KSDK Channel 5!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vortex Now Available for Pre-Order! And Our First TV Spot!

Some really exciting news over here at Vortex Toothpaste. Vortex is now available for preorder on (click here to see), with a ship date of THIS WEDNESDAY! Oh, how exciting.

And to make things even better, Vortex Toothpaste inventor Dr. Howard Wright was featured on Fox 2 News St. Louis this morning! And the interviewer tried Vortex on the air and loved it!

You can check out the video spot by clicking here.

Thanks Fox 2 News! And thanks everyone for your support. We're so, SO close to our launch date!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Food and Fun for Daughter and Son

One of my hobbies is collecting vintage cookbooks, and not too long ago, I came across "Food and Fun for Daughter and Son." It's a pretty interesting read!

I know, I know, it was published in 1947. But it’s pretty amazing to think that most of the nutrition tips they give are the same ones that the USDA gives today. For example, I thought that all this talk about whole grains was relatively new—but nutritionists were emphasizing them almost sixty-five years ago.  

Though  I’m not sure what all the business with “the temperature of the stomach” is. And I don’t THINK they still artificially color sugar anymore to make it brown. That sounds totally crazy.

The lunch menus likewise aren’t just interesting for historical purposes, but they’re a pretty solid blueprint of what to pack for a child today: a protein, a starch, a vegetable, and a fruit. Along with some sauerkraut juice, apparently: 

How did they convince children to eat a combination of “radishes, olives, and celery? They really should have written a whole book on that.

Oh, wow. A raw beef sandwich?  I’m assuming they mean “raw” as in “uncooked,” not “raw” as in “raw sugar” (though I might be wrong? I hope?). In any case, I definitely wouldn’t recommend this center menu (though it does include all the food groups…). 

I’m also impressed with the “beef juice” menu item. It just seems like an ambitious lunch item for a child. Perhaps children had more adventurous palates back then.

This bacon sandwich menu sounds super tasty, although not very healthy. I’m intrigued by this “milk drink”!

THIS bacon sandwich menu doesn’t sound very tasty at all. Though again, it DOES include all the food groups. Perhaps bacon and peanut butter wouldn't taste so bad together. I'll have to muster up the courage sometime and give it a go.

Are there any recipes from “way back when” that still work for you? Share them in the comments section!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Press Release Done!

Hey everyone,

So I just finished the press release--thought you all would like to see it!

I still can't believe we actually have a launch date. Ten years is a long time to work on a product...



After a ten year struggle, retired dentist and inventor Dr. Howard Wright will successfully release his color-changing toothpaste this November

Dr. Howard Wright’s smile seems brighter these days—blame it on the toothpaste. After a ten year struggle, the retired dentist will finally see his color-changing toothpaste, called Vortex, hit the market this November. Vortex Toothpaste, designed to help children brush their teeth longer and more vigorously through changing color, has become “a labor of love,” says Dr. Wright. “Ten years is a long time to spend fighting for your product. But if you truly believe in your invention, the fight is exhilarating.”

With a background in chemistry and biology from the University of California, San Diego, and a doctorate in dentistry, Dr. Howard Wright knew exactly what he wanted in Vortex: a safe, palatable toothpaste with minimal chemicals. The color-changing phenomenon itself is refreshingly simple:  Vortex is dispensed as twin streams of red and blue toothpaste onto the toothbrush and, as the child starts to brush, the colors are mixed into a vivid purple. “By brushing vigorously, kids delight in watching the toothpaste change color,” says Dr. Wright, “which is accomplished not through a chemical reaction, but by simple optics.”

Vortex Toothpaste also has an emphasis on natural ingredients, and contains no sodium-lauryl-sulfate or SLS, a common foaming agent. “When brushing with conventional toothpaste,” says Dr. Wright, “children find that the heavy foaming makes breathing through the mouth difficult, making the experience frightening. Remove the SLS, make it change color, and you have kids wanting to brush their teeth.” Likewise, Dr. Wright discovered a study by the University of Oslo determining that SLS was directly linked to the development of canker sores, making the elimination of that foaming agent a priority to him.

While the chemical side of Vortex came together swiftly, the toothpaste tubes themselves proved to be nearly impossible to manufacture. To prevent the colors prematurely mixing, the Vortex Toothpaste tube must have an interior barrier to separate the red and blue colors. “Every plastics manufacturer I spoke with told me it couldn’t be done—that no one had ever made a toothpaste tube like that before,” says Dr. Wright. “I had pretty much given up hope, and was ready to let my patent lapse when I decided to call one last manufacturer. And they had the perfect tube.”

This is not Dr. Wright’s first innovative invention. Twenty years ago, the retired dentist and scuba-diving enthusiast patented the Storm safety whistle, which can be heard up to fifty feet underwater and is the loudest whistle in the world. Over the years, Dr. Wright’s All Weather Safety Whistle Company has sold millions of Storm whistles in over thirty countries around the world.  “The easiest way to deal with someone who says your idea is impossible,” says Dr. Wright, “is to deal with someone else.”

Vortex Color Changing Toothpaste retails for $6.95, and is proudly manufactured in Muskegon, Michigan. For purchasing information, please visit

ABOUT: Invented by Dr. Howard Wright, DDS, Vortex Color-Changing Toothpaste is a brand-new, patented toothpaste intended to solve children’s poor brushing habits. Simple physics make the red and blue toothpaste combine together to form a vivid purple; by brushing vigorously, kids delight in watching the toothpaste change color. Kids also start to truly enjoy the brushing experience with Vortex Color-Changing Toothpaste, as Vortex contains no choking foaming agent. Recent field testing for Vortex has been overwhelmingly positive—kids love the color-changing element, and parents love the virtual absence of artificial ingredients. Vortex Color Changing Toothpaste is proudly manufactured and packaged in the USA, and has recently become FDA approved.

Jessica Wright, Marketing Director
