Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Three more Vortex Mom Blog reviews!

Happy New Year everyone!

I've come across not one, not two, but THREE more reviews from the blogosphere! Check them out below!

Beautifully BellaFaith is written by Amber, a twenty-something blogger who is mom to a bouncing, beautiful little toddler.

Amber writes:
I've been using Vortex Color Changing Toothpaste for the past week on Isabella, and she always giggles whenever we brush her teeth. She's so interested in the colors changing inside her mouth. Her eyes light up, and she gets so mad whenever I stop brushing her teeth! I'm so glad that I'm able to instill good hygiene without sacrificing comfort. She enjoys having her teeth brushed!
Thanks, Amber! We're glad Isabella likes watching the color change happen--and most importantly, likes having her teeth brushed!

 5 Minutes for Mom was founded by sisters Janice and Susan, who are also moms to four adorable little ones.

5 Minutes for Mom contributer Michelle wrote the Vortex review, and she says:

The fact that the flavor is natural is a huge boost. At this point, the wee ones still don’t like mint flavored toothpastes, but the grape in Vortex has been well-received by them. In fact, the wee ones have asked that I continue to buy this toothpaste instead of the toothpaste I had been purchasing. Unfortunately, it isn’t currently available in stores, but you can purchase it either directly from Vortex or via Amazon for $6.95 per tube.  Did I mention that we are actually starting to see a difference in the gunk that stays on Mister Man’s teeth as he brushes? Maybe he will be able to brush without supervision someday soon.

Thanks, Michelle! Yes, we hope to be available in stores soon, too...

The Grommom is written by Monica, a Hawaiian blogger with four surfing, skating sons (or "groms" as they're called in the islands).

Monica tried out Vortex a few weeks ago, and had this to say:
Vortex actually has the minimum amount of flouride allowed by the FDA, but it puts three times the fluoride in the teeth compared to standard toothpastes!  This is because it isn’t blocked by the foaming agents.  Without foam, the toothpaste is able to adhere closely to the surface of the teeth, protecting them better from cavities! Fascinating, huh?
So far, my boys haven’t missed foam in their toothpaste a bit.
All four of my boys are using Vortex now, and loving it. And they tell me that they are noticing that their teeth are whiter than ever!

Thanks, Monica! Fluoride really is amazing stuff, but it was important to us that Vortex provides the maximum amount of cavity protection with the minimal amount of added chemicals.

Wow. Everyone here at Vortex is so thankful for the positive reception that our little "toothpaste that could" is having.  It's really amazing to see how Vortex is impacting children's oral health care, one smile at a time.

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